The first Christmas decorations begin to bloom in the streets and, as we know, many people will gradually be won over by the festive atmosphere and preparations for Christmas. Hard to miss out on blogs ... but how to animate his blog in Christmas time? What ideas can be launched at this time? Should we do it in advance?

Here are some tracks, which are mainly for amateur bloggers.

Starry Christmas Banner

A nod to Christmas in your design
Christmas is sometimes an opportunity to add a little festive touch to the design of his blog ... and this is THE time of the year par excellence where all fantasies, even the most kitsch, are tolerated;) Modify a little logo or its banner to incorporate some seasonal elements, change banners or profile photos for more "festive" images ...

Now is the time to download Photoshop brushes around Christmas or Christmas icons!

Find ideas for Christmas related topics
Each blogger, according to its theme, may want to propose some topics on Christmas. Some require some upstream thinking, sometimes even at the end of the summer, to anticipate the seasonality of SEO. It often takes a few months to correctly reference new content, hence the interest of publishing them upstream.

Beyond SEO, anticipating can have other benefits. For example, if you are a travel blogger, train or plane bookings for early December often open in September and prices are soaring fast. If you have planned to go photograph the Christmas markets in Alsace, the decorations in London or Berlin, it is better to go early.

Similarly, bloggers who want to suggest decorating ideas or DIY around Christmas have every interest in buying their accessories and raw materials early: first, because it is cheaper; then, because the most beautiful or the most original things disappear quickly from stocks!

Think of all the fun events surrounding Christmas, such as Christmas Sweater Day (December 12th) and what your readers can look for at this time. Recipes ? Ideas for outings or good restaurants? Deco ideas? Ideas for presents ? Wishlists? Fill up on inspiration!

Highlight your existing articles on the subject
Look at this screenshot and tell me if you notice something ...

Article on Christmas windows 2015

The body of the article talks about the Christmas windows 2014 ... while the title announces that it is about Christmas windows 2015 ... and the date of publication of the article is May 6, 2015, period in which the windows 2015 were obviously not out yet!

This very large site has simply sought to anticipate as early as May 2015 its referencing on the windows of Christmas 2015 to drain a maximum of traffic. Well, I admit that it can be done in May, it's a bit extreme ... but there is still a good idea to draw from this method.

If you have already written articles about Christmas and they are still relevant, now is the time to put them forward!

Have a thought for the less fortunate
Christmas does not rhyme with happiness for everyone ... and if you have a close community, who trusts you, it can be a good opportunity to organize a collection on your blog for the benefit of an association. I have already done on previous sites and we had collected nearly 800 euros on a single campaign donations! And you can not imagine how happy it is to be able to put his "little notoriety" blogger at the service of those who need it. This of course assumes a lot of transparency and readers ready to get involved.

You can collect money but also ask the goodwill of your region to offer toys or Christmas Eve to poor families for example or relay the charity operations organized by the associations of your country on the occasion of Christmas ... If you work regularly with brands, this is an opportunity to offer them a partnership for the benefit of an association, as did Emilie from the blog The Brunette with the Red Cross.

A contest or game to organize
Contest goers will love it: it's a key period for brands that need visibility, and readers often look for small bonuses that will make their Christmas even more magical.

For example, you can offer gifts as the days go by in the spirit of "Advent Calendar". You can launch a "Secret Santa": you create a list of interested readers and each one receives the address of a person from the list with whom to exchange small gifts.

You can create a string: for example, buy a card, make several pages with foils